Owing taxes can be financially painful which often leads to physical and relationship problems and more.  Tax delinquency can cause feelings of embarrassment and make others lose respect they had for you.  Whether you are an individual who may not be affected as emotionally as others when dealing with tax issues, working with a professional who cares about your overall well-being is critical when you’re seeking a resolution to your tax problems.  Unfortunately, there are too many “professionals” who are waiting to take advantage of your bad tax situation when you’re not focused.  This article will share some concepts that you should be aware of when seeking out a tax professional to help you resolve your tax issues.

Get Prepared - Understand that your first step will be to get compliant with all your outstanding tax filings before you can begin to negotiate any options available to you with the IRS.  You can find out if you’re missing any years of tax filings by setting up your account online with the IRS, click here.

Be Honest - To get the most efficient and timely help, you will need to be as honest as possible.  You will need to share all information that could be pertinent to your situation.  You will not want to leave out that you’re married, for instance, since it will come out in the end and could have catastrophic effects on any deals being negotiated on your behalf.  If you do not fee you can be truthful and honest with your tax professional, it is recommended that you work with a professional you feel more comfortable with and who helps you understand they are not there to judge you, but only to help you!

Get Payment Information - Be ready to pay out of pocket for the services you will need. It will be crucial that you request upfront agreements and quotes for what it will take to resolve your tax matters.  Most professionals charge a fee for obtaining all the necessary information from the governmental agencies you may owe, as this entails getting authorization to call the IRS and state agencies on your behalf to obtain transcripts and other tax account information.  Once this information is gathered, a professional can then begin to assess your options and inform you of additional steps that may be involved in resolving your tax matter completely.

                                  Get help resolving your tax debt!

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Budgeting, Taxes, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship, CPA