If you were not before, it is certainly more critical than ever to give yourself at least 10% of every dollar you get regardless of the amount. Allowing all of your bills to consume your money each month can leave you with nothing more than a feeling of being "broke". You should be the first creditor in line with their hand out for your money. It is also important to have money available after you pay your bills to cover unexpected expenses (i.e. car repair, medical co-pays, etc.). Pay yourself first.
Keep as much cash on hand as possible. This is especially important to do if you're having financial difficulty and are at risk of having your bank account levied or your wages garnished. It can be to your benefit to keep most of your funds available in the form of cash while you work out a payment plan with your creditors. This helps you avoid potential heart attacks that could occur should the little you have be taken away!
Additionally, keeping a sufficient amount of cash stashed helps you avoid the few days wait to transfer your funds from an investment account you may be using to keep your liquid funds available while earning a little interest or dividends. This wait can be a big deal in an emergency. However, be sure to keep your money safe at home by using a fireproof safe hidden away in a secret place. Make sure you don't forget where you stashed it!
Stay positive. It is difficult to make good financial decisions (or any type of decision) from a mind full of worry and fear. Try keeping a good attitude and get into a place of calm, peace and confidence before making any financial decision. Keep your cool and know that you will prevail during these times!

Check out other articles that can help you in your quest for financial freedom:
6 Steps You Can Take to Stretch Your Dollars
7 Reasons Why Saving for Retirement Shouldn't Be Ignored