Small Business Advice Blog

Information Blog

Insurance Policies that Helps Protect your Wealth

Insurance, in general, is often considered the foundation to a solid wealth building plan.  If you have managed to build wealth for yourself and your family through  an accumulation of monetary savings, purchasing of real estate, multiple successful businesses or similar investments,  it becomes critically important to obtain insurance vehicles that will help protect and preserve this wealth. 

Obtaining various types of insurance, essentially shifts some financial risks to insurance companies, allowing your precious savings to be used for other wants and needs.  This article discusses the various types of insurance plans individuals may use to keep their savings from being eroded by high medical expenses, disability and other  life and/or business events that may or may not be outside of our control.  

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3 Reasons You Should Consider life insurance for your business?

Many business owners operate their business without giving consideration to how they would handle the loss of a key executive/leader should they pass.  Not giving any thought to this factor, can leave your business in a financial catastrophic position should this happen.

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The A-B-C's of Life Insurance

If you are of the small group of individuals who realize the importance of life insurance and have actually decided to purchase a life insurance policy, it is critical that you understand the options available to you, as well as how each type of insurance may fit your priorities, needs and wants.  This blog will provide you with the insight you will need in selecting the best life policy for you and your loved ones.

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The Best Way to Protect your Family with Life Insurance

The emotional stress that comes with dealing with the loss of a loved one can be compounded if you have to deal with an associated financial loss as well. This can happen if you are a child who has lost a parent who provided for you or a homemaker who has lost their bread-winning spouse. For these reasons and others, life insurance can be very instrumental in providing financial security to your family at the time of transition.

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