Small Business Advice Blog

Information Blog

Kristal Anderson

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How Bankers See Your Business Before Asking For a loan

Whether you are in the start-up phase of business or the expansion phase, there will come a time when you will consider getting a business loan to help with cash flows or to purchase equipment, if you have not already. This blog will provide you with information that will help you be the most prepared when you do. 

The loan process typically begins with a banker's analysis of financial statements that have been prepared by a CPA, and a personal financial statement.  The personal financial statement is typically used to determine if you will be able to personally cover the loan, should your business fail to repay it.  

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3 steps to get from Start-Up to the Growth phase of business

Move your firm from start-up to growth....

Starting a business is one of the most exciting endeavors you could ever undertake, but starting is the easy part.  The challenge comes when you begin to seek ways of  growing your small  business.  Often the challenges and seeming road blocks you encounter can cause your excitement to quickly fizzle out and cause you to second guess why you started the business in the first place.  

This article offers three important steps that owners make take to easily move towards successfully growing their business and achieving the success they desire.

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3 Reasons You Should Consider life insurance for your business?

Many business owners operate their business without giving consideration to how they would handle the loss of a key executive/leader should they pass.  Not giving any thought to this factor, can leave your business in a financial catastrophic position should this happen.

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3 Myths About Retirement Planning

What's the truth about retirement planning? There are many myths about retirement, including the belief that social security will be enough to provide income during this time.  However,  social security was only designed to meet your basic needs during retirement. If you are currently earning over $100K in salary, it is estimated that social security will only cover 25% of the retirement income you will need.

This blog will discuss other retirement myths and provide some insight to consider when planning for your retirement.  

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7 Mistakes You're Making Working as a Contractor

Many unwanted tax problems can surface for individuals working as freelancers and/or contractors.  This list was created to bring awareness to the top misguided actions individuals often make in this type of situation.

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3 Documents you Need to Avoid Delays in Filing your Return


Getting ready to file your tax return? One way to make sure this process goes as smoothly as possible is to make sure you have all the documents necessary to prepare your return.  Getting your paperwork organized helps you avoid delays when filing your return, and also ensures your return is complete and accurate when prepared.  Below is a list of the top three documents that will hold up the preparation and filing of your tax return:
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7 Reasons Why Saving for Retirement Shouldn't be Ignored


Many individuals agree that saving for retirement is important, but unfortunately, not many people actually put money aside for their future by participating in a retirement plan at work or one that has been setup for their business..  If you are one who falls in this category, it is important that you understand that it is never too late to start!

This blog gives some important reasons why you should no longer ignore taking on the critical action of saving for your retirement.

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Whether you need help finding a tax professional or filing an extension, you can use this blog to gain access to resources that will help to make this tax season a success!  

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5 Tax Rules High Income Earners Should Know About

If you have graduated into a six figure income or higher, you have probably realized that a significant portion of your hard earned income goes to the government in the form of federal, state, and other payroll taxes.  Many individuals, like yourself, who are in this income range struggle to find ways to decrease their tax liability.  The constant changes in tax laws can make this a difficult task to accomplish without the guidance of a tax professional who has expert knowledge in the tax regulations and how to apply them on a  case by case basis.

The following is a list of 5 tax laws that make tax planning complex and challenging for high income earners.  Becoming familiar with this list of items and understanding how they may impact you and the overall amount of taxes you will pay, is the first step in creating a customized tax strategy that will work best for you and your family.  

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