Taking the new year into consideration, we thought it would be a good idea to suggest a few small business goals that can make a difference in the growth your business experiences this year.
Many factors can impact the financial health of a business. From slow paying customers to overrun payroll costs. Assess your business finances to determine what ailment(s) may be getting in the way of your business' healthy finances.
If you have been doing your best to ignore outstanding tax bills, let this year be the time you choose to work on resolving them. Taxes, interest and penalties will not go away until you work on a plan to get rid of them. If you don’t want to look at the bills, just hand them over to your CPA, along with a signed power of attorney!
If you perform an assessment of your business’ finances, you may find that a change in customer payment policies, updating your employee handbook, or other policy changes will be necessary. Create new policies you believe will be best for your business and its’ longevity, communicate and enforce them.
Improving your understanding of certain accounting and business management concepts can help improve your business decisions and aid in the growth of your business. Consider attending a business workshop or seminar this year to spark some new ideas in your business.
Goal 5: Add a new service or product you're passionate about
If you have an idea that has been brewing in your mind for a long time, why not make this year the time you bring it into view. Don’t shy away from change this year, do something different and better than you’ve ever done before. It could be a major revenue changer for your business!
Let this year be better than prior years. Make "change for the better" a goal for 2018 in your small business and win big! Click the button below to perform the first suggested goal - a financial health assessment:
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