Need more time to file your tax return?

We can help you...

If you are a new or current client of AEMC, who will  need more time to file your business tax return, we can file a federal and state (if applicable) tax extension on your behalf.  A fee of $100 will be charged for this service, however this fee will be credited towards your tax preparation service.  Just complete the form and press the submit button and we'll contact you within 48 hours.

Here are a few facts about how tax extensions work:

  • Filing a tax extension for your business will give you an additional 5 to 6 months to file your business return depending upon your entity type;
  • You must pay the amount of taxes you plan to owe by the original tax deadline in order to avoid late payment penalties and interest;
  • Filing an extension will help you avoid late filing penalties and interest that can be assessed for not filing your return on time.

For more information about filing tax extensions, click here.


Additional Request for New Business Clients...

If your business is new to AEMC, we'll need the following information to file an extension on your behalf:

  • A copy of your prior year's tax return
  • If there's no prior year return, please provide the Employer identification number, exact name of business and address
  • Owner information (name, address, social security number, date of birth)
This information can be securely uploaded to us via our file share portal.  Please click here to upload your information now.
